We believe the best resource for unbiased information on appliances is Yale Appliances
Located in New England, Yale’s website supplies PDF tutorials on a vast range of appliance topics and has insightful blogs that honestly appraise new trends in the appliance market. We trust Yale’s information on appliances above less reliable information from Consumer Reports and JD Power.

When purchasing appliances, we advise using local suppliers, so that any problems or damages during shipping or delivery can be more easily addressed. Kieffer’s Appliances in Lansdale PA is the local appliance dealer we like the most. Main Line Kitchen Design customers working with Kristen at Kieffer’s will receive preferred pricing and she can help coordinate appliances with our designs. Kristen will have up to date information on appliances. Below is her contact information:
Kristen Cossa Outside Sales Representative Kieffer’s Appliances
(215) 852-3910 cell
kristen@kieffers.com email
Learning about Appliances. MLKD goes to Kieffer’s
If customers choose other appliance dealers that’s fine too. Main Line Kitchen Design will assist any appliance dealer in our area.
Here are the links to the website and the blog of Yale Appliances. Yale originally assembled their information on appliances and customer service calls statistics as PDFs for employee training. Now they generously supply the information to the world:
https://www.yaleappliance.com/ Main web site for Yale – pay special attention to their Learning Center
http://blog.yaleappliance.com/ Yale blog. What’s new and interesting in Appliances!
Hoping your appliances help create the kitchen of your dreams… and as always…
Bon Appetit!