Everyone develops a pattern of how they use their kitchen. When redesigning your kitchen maintaining that pattern is usually not a benefit.
For example, a customer might tell us that they never use their present island to cut or chop vegetables, so they don’t want to ruin the look of their new island with a sink in it. However, were a prep sink with a garbage disposal and trash pull out added the island it would become convenient to work at. Cooks could then face company and conversation while preparing meals.

Often the reasons people develop specific work patterns are not because they work better that way, but because of a problem with their present kitchen.
A past customer told us that they wanted the kitchen table very close to the refrigerator so that Dad, who sat at the head of the table, could use the refrigerator for beverages without getting out of his seat. Clogging the entire kitchen with a table in the middle of the room was perceived by the family as a positive, because they had grown used to it.
It took a lot of convincing to allow us to move the kitchen table off to one side of the kitchen in front of windows with a view. To outsiders, this design change might have seemed obvious. Human beings become vested in how we use things, and embracing change can be confusing or frightening,

People don’t realize that they will adjust instantly to a better kitchen design. If we can open our customers minds to accept change, experienced kitchen designers know that good design is universal and that customers never regret sensible design changes. Because of this there is no risk for kitchen designers recommending the changes that experts agree on.
Wishing you the best and to stay safe this holiday season.
Bon Appetit!