These three custom kitchens made lemonade from the challenge of the lemons produced during Covid-19. All three are designed in Brighton Custom Cabinetry with beaded inset door styles.

This Brighton beaded inset kitchen designed by Chris Rossetti is striking. Getting to the finish line on this kitchen took a little longer due to shipping damage created by the stress that the pandemic put on common carriers, UPS, and FedX.

This Brighton beaded inset kitchen, designed in a customized Cascade door style, was almost completed this past spring when Covid interrupted its final touchups and adjustments. The photography was also put off several months, in favor of a safer time.

This Brighton kitchen was stopped right after demolition due to the Pennsylvania shutdown. The homeowner, a medical professional, was caught between a stressful hospital environment and a kitchen halted mid renovation. The pandemic also made getting replacement parts and pieces from the factory difficult because Brighton customer service staff were forced to work from home and factory workers were out sick or had childcare issues.
The homeowners from the three kitchens above deserve medals for their patience amidst trying times. Always cheerful and understanding, they were a pleasure to work with while a few other customers who experienced less inconvenience were impatient and irritable.
The contractors we regularly work with have been amazing during the last 9 months. They have endured delays from all their suppliers and rose above their own personal Covid challenges every day. They created Covid safe work environments for their staff and subcontractors, even when some customers ignored CDC guidelines. Through it all, they were always positive.
Main Line Kitchen Design looks forward to a time when life returns to normal. When meeting with multiple sets of customers in our offices is possible and we can discuss design changes face to face. We miss the comradery between our fellow designers. And while Zoom has been a tremendous time saver that we will continue to use in the future, we miss our company lunches at Ryan Christopher’s in Narberth.
Stay safe and of course . . .
Bon Appetit!